Safety Risk Business Solutions can help you obtain a Mass Management Accreditation for your business. A Mass Management accreditation encourages heavy vehicle operators to take more responsibility for loading their trucks correctly and ensuring that their trucks are not overloaded. 

It helps you to manage your business more efficiently, partly because you will have clear procedures for ensuring that your trucks are not overloaded and partly because there will be reduced risk of penalties from mass offences. It should also lead to greater productivity and road safety. 

It allows operators to increase their vehicle payload by up to 10%.  eg. A standard six axle semi trailer can increase its GVM from 42.5 tonnes to 45.5 tonnes.

The benefits to operators can include: 

  • improved productivity and efficiency 
  • correct loading of vehicles the first time, with consequent savings 
  • increased vehicle life and lower maintenance costs 
  • reduced rejection of vehicles by customers because of overloading 
  • improved driver morale 
  • better relationships with enforcement agencies 
  • reduced impact of enforcement. 

Safety Risk Business Solutions can help! Contact us today.